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Use cases

  • Monitoring Internet-faced systems: Scan continuously websites, public IP, domains and subdomains for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations

  • Vulnerability and remediation tracking: Identify vulnerabilities, send a full report to ticketing system, and rescan to check for remediation

  • Vulnerability assessment of internal systems: Orchestrate regular scans on a fixed perimeter and check changes (asset, vulnerability, criticality)

  • Attacker assets monitoring: Ensure readiness of teams by identifying attackers’ assets and tracking changes of their IP, domains, and web applications

  • Phishing / APT scenario preparation: Monitor early signs of targeted attacks, new domain registration, suspicious Tweets, paste, VirusTotal submissions, and phishing reports

  • Regulation and Compliance: Evaluate compliance gaps using provided scan templates

  • Penetration tests: Perform the reconnaissance steps, the full stack vulnerability assessment and the remediation checks

  • Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery: Automation of static code analysis, external resources assessment and web application vulnerability scans

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