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Audit manager scan definition allows you to search and select asset and asset group on their values or names. Policies can be filtered by engine type or threat domain.

Audot manager scan performed view can be accessed from the Scans -> List scans performed that displays scans heatmap over days, weeks, and months. You can apply advanced filters, run or delete scans from this view, and compare selected scans.

To compare scans with each other, select the scans and click “Compare selected scans”

Add a new scan

  1. To add a new scan, select Add new scan from the Scans drop-down menu. Add a new scan definition page opens.

  2. In the Title field, enter the title of the scan. For example, List open ports on Internet-faced assets or Search technical leaks on GitHub and Twitter.

  3. In the Description field, enter a suitable description of the scan.

  4. From the Scan Type field, select whether the scans be started once or periodically.

  5. From the Start scan field, select the time to start the scan.

  6. From the Search asset(s) field, search and select asset(s) targeted by the scan.

  7. From the Filter by Engine and Filter by Category fields, search the scan policy using the engine or the category filter.

  8. From the Select Policy field, select the scan policy.

  9. From the Select Engine drop-down menu, select the scan engine that will perform the scan each time. Click Create a new scan.

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