Container Updates
As containers are updated they will require some manual actions on the log aggregator/hydra to remain functional. As of the latest AMI build an update for the Wazuh container is required. Please follow the following guidelines to apply the latest container.
Log into your hydra
Escalate privileges by typing sudo -s and Pressing [ENTER]
Type vim /etc/siemonster/docker_images.env and Press [Enter]
Find the line that starts with DOCKER_WAZUH and move your cursor to the beginning of the line that starts with the text specified.
Press [INSERT] twice, it should display “--REPLACE--” at the bottom, and paste the following string DOCKER_WAZUH=siemonster/wazuh:prod-v4.6.1-hydra
Press [ESC] and then Type :wq and Press [ENTER]
Now Paste the following line and Press [ENTER]
docker pull siemonster/wazuh:prod-v4.6.1-hydraWait for the process to complete.
Type systemctl restart wazuh and Press [ENTER]
Your container is now up to date.