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SIEMonster Reporting Module (SRM) is SIEMonster’s solution for generating reports from different modules.

SRM is a highly customizable system that generates reports according to different:

  • Schedules

  • Output formats (PDF, PNG, XLSX, CSV)

  • Time filters

  • Paper design (A4, A3, Portrait, Landscape)

  • Notification sources (SMTP, Mailgun, Slack)

  • WYSIWYG-editable subject/message with dynamic templates

 The interface of SRM has an adaptive design to work with modules on smaller screen starting from 4.7 inches.

🔖 NOTE: The interface of SRM has an adaptive design to work with modules on smaller screen starting from 4.7 inches. At the moment SRM only works with Kibana Module (Dashboards and Searches). Support for other modules will be included in the future.


Module Settings

Settings for the reporting module can be accessed from Admin > Tenants > Open Settings > Settings.


Select the tenant from the top left dropdown


Click on Report Settings


Please only modify the above settings if instructed to do so by a SIEMonster Support team member or the documentation.

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