Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
Currently, RBAC supports for primary control levels.
The superadmin role allows for configuration and modifications of all aspects within the webui environment for the for the SIEMonster platform. The admin role allows for the some as the superadmin role excluding the user management portion. The write allows to make changes to the environment while read-only will only allow viewing the components.
To add a role to a user, Click the Admin shortcut in the left menu-bar. You will be presented with the user list. To access the role assignment for an individual user, please Click on the username. On the right hand side it will display the current roles assigned and also a dropdown list of items that are available for assignment. Select the desired role and Click the + sign to add the role to the user.

Below are some examples of how to configure the roles for the four main controls, for the examples we assume the relevant tenant is tenant1:


